A series of classes taught by Literacy Volunteers of Rensselaer County. If you are an intermediate-level learner of English, please consider being a part of the class. This class will meet every week at the same time. Registration is required. To register, please email Jessica Kaercher at kaercherj@colonielibrary.org or call 518-458-9274 (option 4).
This is a 6-hour course with a 3-hour session on two days. You MUST attend both sessions to receive a course completion certificate. Bring your NYS Driver License and AARP membership card. Fee is $25 for AARP members and $30 for non-members.
Do you already know the basics of your iPhone but want to learn more? We will cover Spotlight Search and Control Center, Advanced Settings, Organizing and Updating Apps, Intermediate messaging and Intermediate Photos.
Ruth Mendel, who lost more than half of her family in the Holocaust and is one of the few remaining survivors.
Ruth Mendel:
Barbara Stanwyck Film Series Led by Lenny Zapala - The Two Mrs. Carrolls (1947)
Film expert and Menands Public Library Director Lenny Zapala is offering the first of a six-installment series with the movie The Two Mrs. Carrolls. Sally (Ms. Stanwyck) has an affair with painter Geoffrey Carroll (Bogart).